Saturday, August 26, 2006

"Many Londoners have discovered..."

...that's right - us! ITV London Evening News' words, not ours! Yes indeed, we made an appearance on ITV last Tuesday at approximately 6:15pm. The merits of renting out driveways were discussed, with a user of YourParkingSpace present as well as ourselves. This was followed two days later by a write-up of the site in the Richmond Informer. Somewhat less high profile we know, but all press coverage is greatly appreciated.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

YourParkingSpace in the news

It's been a busy week for us here, culminating in what many of you may have seen. The Evening Standard included an article about us on Wednesday.

Basically it talks about how many Londoners have discovered a nice little earner through renting out their garages and driveways. This is followed by a few quotes from us - we'll have them posted back up here shortly.

Our press appearances did't stop there. On Thursday morning we made an appearance on LBC 97.3 FM's breakfast programme. There may be one or two more appearances in the pipeline, but that's all we're giving away for now.

For all those who haven't joined the YourParkingSpace revolution you can do so here. You can register whether you're supplying or seeking parking and don't forget - if there are no suitable spaces available then be the first to know when there is one.

That's all for today. Keep spreading the word!

Monday, August 14, 2006

A Different Way

Take a look at the image of a car park in America. You sure wouldn't want to be parked in the middle of that.

This unusual car park, located in the US, has been brought to our attention. People simply turn up, let the car park attendants know what time they'll return, and their car is parked in the appropriate spot. Not a bad way of earning a great deal more from the space that you have.

We at YourParkingSpace like to think that we have something in common with these car park innovators. Think outside the parking box and renting out your driveway or garage seems like a fantastic idea. Any other ideas out there?

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Summer Update

No huge developments or news emerging from the world of parking at the moment, with the summer being notoriously quiet in the UK when it comes to news. We're hoping to change that shortly, more details to emerge over the next couple of weeks.